Muscle Car

Muscle Cars On Steroids?

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By Mark Weisseg

Now you all know I love fast muscle cars. In fact I love all the old classics. I have fast muscle cars and I have slow classics. It’s just me. I go from a Shelby with over 700hp to a car with 40hp.

So, I am either insane or in the loop. Now, this car is on some kind of steroid I am not aware of. The blower sticks out like a giraffe neck. The super charger is oversized and ready to light up the skies like the northern lights. The driver has little to no vision on the passenger side so he or she must have a co captain. Remember as a child “calling dibs” on the front seat? The driver of this machine would need you to see what in the heck is going on over there.

Is this another example of stupidity or masculinity? I would say the latter. Sure ego is involved here but who cares? I will bet this is a show winner and a show stopper anywhere it goes. Can you imagine what this costs? Gadzooks I am sure I could buy a brand new mid size car for what this might cost. But, I would rather have this than some vanilla new car.

My biggest worry would be does my Garage door go high enough to drive this car in and if the blower reversed itself would it suck me in and eat me. Either way I would be thrilled. What a car. Double Yoi.

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