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Do-It-Yourself Rust Eradication
By Dave Ashton
When it comes to rust repair sometimes the only solution is to hack it out until you hit solid metal than weld in something new. Leave the smallest bit of rust in there and it will eventually come back. Chevyhardcore have put together a wonderful article giving you a step-by-step procedure of how to get rid of a severely rusted area and eventually make it look like its just been fabricated from new.
Great welding jobs are both an art and a science and does take practice to get right. The article gives you some options for either doing the welding yourself or taking the main part and patch to a local repair shop if you haven’t got a welder and/or welding skills. Either way, going through the complete article gives you some options which in the long run could help save some precious, vintage parts rather than throwing them away and having to buy new.
If you want a step-by-step guide on hacking out a rusty area of metal and repairing the part like new, check out the link below.
Read the full article here –
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