So You Take Two Places At The Lot?
By Mark Weisseg
I grabbed this picture from the web as a reminder for the select few that have not learned how to park. When I attend a car show I love to watch a guy that can swing his four door full size pick up truck into the tightest spots without any issue. Why do I like watching them? It’s because all of a sudden a simple three point turn to back in turns into a 12 point turn with others helping him to get it right. Too close to the line, pull forward and try again. Backed up too far, not far enough, not straight, do it again and again. One guy that comes to our show has a GT 40 and he installed a back up alarm that beeps. Why? He cannot see backing up so he has the alarm and a team of people that assist him backing up twelve feet.
I know your car is important and your pride and joy. But look at the picture here. See any future classics? I certainly do and praise be they parked in a huge parking lot between the lines. Fast forward today and if and I say if you see a classic car at a big parking lot it will be in row Z section 326. You’ll need a tram or cross country skis to get to the entrance from where you park. And of course you will take two spots. I know I know, you don’t want dings or dents. Then drive the family Kia or mini van to the local big box store and leave the parking to those of us that can still wheel in and out of a space without back up alarms or teams of assistants.
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