Muscle Car
Muscle Car Talk: Should I Restore or not?
By Mark Weisseg
Let me see if I understand the problem. The car has been sitting a while. The glass is all there, the body panels are all there, it’s sunk in the mud a bit from sitting and I notice the original interior is there.
Now, let me see……….. Ok, I thought about it for at least three seconds and my answer is Yes. How could it be No? Heck I have seen cars on the street driving legally in worse shape. Always look for the positives my friends. Yes it is going to be a lot of work and yes the costs to do it right are expensive but look at the end game. Do you want to be seen in this? Do you want to drive this around town? Do you want to take it to your local car cruises? Yes and double Bologna Yes.
If no is even on your radar screen you need to take up collecting bugs. We want gas and oil in our veins. We love the smell of exhaust on older cars, we are happy when the idle is rough, the seats a bit uncomfortable and the exterior looks like nothing anyone around you has. I mean if someone held a car show for all the 2013 Honda Cr-v’s would you go? Lordy, I dare say no. What fun is that? You want to be around guys and gals like you. You need that fix once in a while to remind you of life before what you have now. You can remember certain things that happened in or near a certain old car. If we don’t fix them and restore them do you think the car fairy is coming to do so? Nope. It takes guys and gals like us who like the smell of fuel, need a burnout once in a while and really get excited over the sound of Borla pipes.
By the time Friday comes for me I am past ready. I waited all week to go. I have car show friends. I see other hot rods. They see mine. No jealousy, just respect. Restore a car like this and you too could show it off at the local car show, maybe even a national. It’s hard work, but the results are worth it.
Jumping Catfish let’s bring on the weekend will ya!
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