Muscle Cars

You Don’t Always Need To Have A Trailer Queen

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By Mark Weisseg

I have been sitting on this picture for a while. I was not sure where to go with this story until the other day. You see I heard of a car that has been fully restored back to the exact way it was when new. Not born. Cars don’t give birth. So, this car I heard about gets trailered everywhere it goes- if it goes anywhere. When in storage the air exchangers are running along with the dehumidifers. Heat and air conditioning are used seasonally. The car is in one of those now famous bubbles to prevent scratching or unintended issues. The car is worth a lot of money and the owner is preserving his investment. Sounds pretty darn cool, right?

Wrong, Wrong, Wrong. Just like fire has smoke, cars have wheels. Wheels are made to go around and around. I know the dangers as I own a pretty darn nice Road Runner and the unthinkable happened recently. I won’t bore you with the details but I spent two hours this morning buffing, rubbing, and eventually re waxing an area on the trunk. When the small incident occurred I along with a friend watched it happen. I could not do anything about what happened but I sure was ticked off. Today, that imperfection is 99 percent gone and only a trained eye can detect it. So, I understand why someone might be a bit careful. But, to go to some of the extremes we all hear about seems a bit nutty to me. You see when the car was built the people that built it wanted someone to buy it and drive it. And then they wanted you to be so happy that you would buy another one from them. And so on and so on. But today I see these guys rope off there cars at shows, have someone stand watch over it and so on. I have seen the oblivious person push a baby stroller right into a car or a dog lift its leg on a tire. The majority understand you have a lot of money in your car and appreciate the vehicle. You simply cannot stop every jackass out there.

A good friend of mine bought a show truck from a auction in Florida. When it arrived at his place I was asked to come over and watch it come out along with a few others. As soon as that truck was off the big orange truck if you know what I mean the owner grunted. He said there was a spare tire missing as well as a few scratches on the rear that were not there. Also, a hood ornament was missing. Now this friend of mine has over one hundred vehicles to his name. He is a very well known buyer and seller so he’s no stooge. He took it better than I would but the damage was done. Now what? He settled up with the carrier but it was a hassle he did not need or expect. So, you cannot protect yourself from everything in life. We all know you can get hit by a bus just walking down the street. Or, slip and fall in wet leaves and crack your noodle open. But to sit a car and never start it or drive it is a sin to me.

Cars are to be enjoyed and loved. Not stuck away in a special room where nobody ever gets to see it. Hell, we have people out there who treat there collections better than a spouse. Ok, retract that one. I have been to that party. Now I know to buy her the house up front.

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