Best Muscle Cars
How To Sell A Muscle Car
By Mark Weisseg.
In the days gone by when work was to be done we were told to roll up our sleeves and get to work. No whining, crying, moaning, or bitching. Work until the job was done and done right.
So, I see this Caddy Sea Ville as we called them once upon a time and note it’s for sale. This could be any classic car so I will use this as my example. Can you find anything enticing about buying this car? No hubcaps, missing marker light, and overall dirty. Pass.
Folks, use some common sense. It’s June 2016, do not post cars with snow on them, or your child standing on the roof. Like a first date use your noodle ( not that one) but the noodle in your square head. Wash the car, vacuum out the interior, wash the Windows, spray some nice deodorizer and give the car a once over.
Now if you are trying to sell a 1980 Citation then just pour gas on it and burn baby burn. But, I have seen many a good car listed for sale on many sites that have no appeal at all. It’s marketing 101. No matter what you are selling you need to market it correctly. Put some effort into the salable cars and make it appealing so someone will want to come over and see it. Then, it’s up to you to speak about the benefits and features of the car and sell it.
Close the deal, ask for the order. Just don’t show the potential buyer the car and stand back and pick ear wax. Use your good foot ( James Brown song) and make the buyer feel welcome, explain how much you loved the car but it’s time to let it go to a new owner. Use some spit shine as we called it.
Don’t fold if the buyer low balls you. Stand firm and wait for them to make an offer. Have your comeback prepared why you are asking the dollar amount listed. Be prepared to once again review the benefits of the car and make the buyer want it worse than a Nathan’s hot dog. Don’t fill in all the dead air. Give the buyer time to think. Then, go back and ask if you can answer anymore questions. Take your time, be polite and don’t be condescending. Know your product and be prepared. Now, go out there tiger and make that sale!
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