
The Inside Story Of The Dodge Hellcat 707-hp Engine

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By Dave Ashton

Since 2014, the Dodge Hellcat Engine has been proud to be the most powerful produced as yet.
The engine was born out of Chris Cowland’s engineering team at Fiat Chrysler you were able to develop this engine to the insane power it is known for today.

The hellcat engine is arguably the flagship for Dodge, with buyers waiting more than than 12 months for their vehicle, which is a big standout as less coupes are being bought these days in favour for SUV’s

The rumblings around the Hellcat engine started in 2011, with a 600Hp engine. But with much to-ing and fro-ing with rumours of Ford building an equally powerful engine, Dodge had to do one better.
All this because as put by Chris Cowland, ‘We built it because we could,” Cowland said. “We wanted to make a statement and move the brand forward.’

Full story here

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