Muscle Cars

Finding A Hidden Ford Mustang

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By Mark Weisseg

We were minding our own business and walking around this property recently when I decided to go into another garage. There were three of us and I was the only gear head among the group. I admit I was tired and and bit beaten down after a long week but I went anyway, we opened the door and there it was.

The Mustang you see in the picture. Well, it caught my eye and I made a B line to it. I peered inside and noticed three point racing seat belts. Geez, this thing is cool. Then, I turned my head toward the dash and saw the signature. Am I dreaming? Then, I thought I better slow it down and really take stock of what lies in front of me.

I have heard of clones and saw them as well. I also have heard about fake signatures as well. So, now what do I do? I studied the car and looked for a VIN number anywhere in the usual places. I studied door jambs, looked under the windshield at the dash area. But, I could not open the hood.

As bad as I wanted too the owner was not present. The tag said it was a 428 Cobra jet engine but I could not lift the hood to verify. Underneath the car had all the nuances of a big engine. The dash was correct, the shifter correct, the wheels, and so on. The only thing missing here was a owner and he was a thousand miles away.


What do I do? I was staying calm around the other two guys as to not tip my hand. Finally the one guy asked me what it was worth if it was the real deal. I gulped and told him about the Hagerty tool and we looked it up. If real this car has big value. If it’s a fake someone spent a lot of money to do so. I can’t say yet for certain it’s the real deal as the owner cannot be contacted until Saturday morning. I intend on doing my due diligence on this car. If real, and he must prove it above a shadow of a doubt and if do I am going to take a run at buying it. It will be expensive but to find the real deal in a garage 10 minutes from my home. Jumping Jeepers I cannot let it slip by. If it’s a clone I think I will just cry.


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