Get Out Of Your Chair Will You: Car Show Comms.
By Mark Weisseg
Like you I love my classic cars. I keep them spotless and make sure they are 100 percent ready to go at all times. I look forward to the season where upon I can go and be with like minded people for about 5 hours on any given day.
This past season I took stock of what was really going on around me. People from all age groups, all creeds, and all interests are walking by the cars and trucks gawking, smiling, sometimes even frowning. This is when I made the change.
Instead of sitting in my fold out chair with my friend and his classic I decided to stand up near the car and make conversation with anyone crazy enough to chat. To my surprise almost everyone wanted to ask a question, make a comment or just give me some encouragement to keep going. I took the extra time to focus on the young people. I want them to be interested in something other than there cell phone. They walk around like zombies most of time but I am making an effort to engage them. Why? Because they are the future of our hobby. If they do not get the bug like us the hobby is doomed.
While we love listening to the oldies and cruising with the windows down the young people are staring at the smart phone.
I challenge you to take the time and engage anyone and everyone at a car show rather than sit in your chair and stare them down. If you want other people to love your 66 Chevelle you better get off the cheeks and make an effort. Just talk in terms they understand and show them under the hood. Point out the not so obvious to them and then just listen. Get involved in your high school auto class, invite the boy or Girl Scouts to a show. How about a youth group at church? Be proactive and be proud of your classic car.
In closing, be a sales person for our hobby not a grumpy person that assumes you are there just to show your car. It goes much deeper than you know.
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