Best Muscle Cars

Is The Fox Body Mustang The Best Muscle Car Ever?

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This is a question posed over at  and they do make a convincing argument.

To the uninitiated, the Fox body Mustang seems an odd choice as a standout muscle car, especially when technically it is a pony car. But, naming conventions aside, the Fox body Mustang is now a classic, with many positives.

The Fox body Mustang was made between 1979 and 1993. There is no definitive reason for why it was called a ‘fox’ apart from its downsizing from the vehicles of the 70’s.
So, onto the reasons why they think it is one of the standout muscle cars.

The 80’s feel
The Fox body is very much stylised to the 80s and that is it’s advantage. From the long horizontal tail lights and straight lines, everything shouts the 80s.
Compared to modern vehicles, they are basic. No traction control or extra gizmos, just straightforward driving.

Camaro non-friendly
Just as today, Fox body Mustangs and third-generation Camaros always ended up in the street race, but having a lighter body, the Fox Mustang invariably won.
Camaros have better rear suspension and brakes, but the Fox body Mustang was a better choice to be modified and just had the edge in most departments on the Camaro.


Those 80s lines are now back in fashion. A smaller car than the current Mustangs and simple lines are a great platform to be modified.
The Notchback Coupe is the rarer and most desirable model.

Plenty of Torque
By today’s standard the Fox bodies 225 HP wasn’t a great amount, but the 300 ft-lbs of torque could pull 1G on a skidpad. with its lightweight, it’s an ideal platform for modification, which is one of the main reasons for it being one of the best.
The aftermarket parts business is endless for the Fox Mustang and is relatively cheap compared to other models, especially with the ability to have interchangeable parts with the Cobra model.

A reasonably priced classic
Fox body mustangs can still be picked up for a relatively cheap price, but this won’t last forever.
As the word spreads about them becoming classics and great platforms to be modified, prices are starting to shoot up.
If you check out eBay or Craigslist. You can still buy them for $5k+

What are your thoughts on Fox Mustang platform? do you agree or disagree? comment below.

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