Best Muscle Cars

The Love Of Just Driving.

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Sometimes in the rush of the day with all the distractions we have in daily lives, we need to take a deep breath once in a while. Some need to walk on the beach, some need an after work martini and others like me need to hit the road.

Drive that car
If you have a classic car you understand. Like this Mustang in the picture, you need to get in all alone, turn the key and just start driving. Driving with no plan in sight or destination. You just need to feel the wind in your face, the engine hum under your seat, and suddenly a rush runs through you. You feel the days burdens slowly sinking away. Nothing can bring you this type of satisfaction.

It does not need to be a Mustang along the ocean as pictured here. Nope, it can be any car you love and any road. Just the two of you tooling along with not much to care about. Sometimes the winter just seems too long, or in areas without snow you just need a break. That is why we have these toys. That is why we share our love for our cars. It’s a break from the everyday grind of life. We all have been told and most of us have learned the hard way that life is tough sometimes. And, it is tough. For those of us lucky enough to have this outlet be thankful you do.

A car is really more than the sum of its parts. More than just a transportation device. Its emotion, memories and in some cases, as good as another member of the family.

I would ask you to share your love for your fast muscle cars to the folks that are not as fortunate as us. Let’s get them involved and they too will be able to see what drives us to a place in our mind that few can ever go.

By Mark Weisseg

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