Hailstorm Protection For Your Car: Don’t Try This At Home.
We like to bring you from time to time tips on better protecting your car. However, this is one you maybe should just muse upon.
If you didn’t know the guys were trying to protect their car from the hailstorm, you could interpret this as some art piece, some kind of car based swimming lesson or just plain madness.
At first it seems to be two guys. One on the roof doing some swimming manoeuvres and the other fanning a blanket on the hood. One guy disappears to leave his friend to continue his swimming motions, trying in vain to stop the ice balls.
Easy to mock, but at least they are giving it a try…. also in shorts.
Maybe we’ve missed the point here and it’s the next new craze to do interpretive dance movements on top of your car in a hailstorm.
Crazier things have happened…………
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