Muscle Cars
Drive in Movie Memories
By Mark Weisseg
You talk about a by gone era now this is it. Sure there are still good drive in movie places around but they are drying up quickly. I recall sitting in lines like this just to pay $2.50 each to get it. Find your spot and get ready for cartoons and those corny stick figure people marching to get popcorn and watered down drinks.
Ironically the place I went to is now a mega church of no denomination. Hell, you do not want to offend anyone right? But at the front of what was the drive in this place had a very small amusement park for the small children. A rolly coaster, a bounce area and a small ferries wheel and a few other little rides. It gave the little ones something to do until the big feature. Remember, it had to be about 9:30 pm to start the outdoor flick. Little kids would fall asleep fast, the teenager would fall for one another and heaven forbid if something went wrong like the sound cut off. Everyone would blow there horns until the foolish projector guy could get the reels back in sync. Many a lie was told during the movies but steamy windows or not we enjoyed being outside with our friends on a warm Friday night.
It’s all gone now. Today, there is a huge parking lot with dotted trees. The church is huge. But every time I wheel in there I think of the old drive in movie days. There were no fights, no gun violence, no gangs, just a bunch of people watching terrible movies and Woody Woodpecker cartoons. We all would go home sleepy at the midnight hour and then the dust filled cars filed out. Gosh, it was so good then. I miss that.
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