Motordom’s Real Mad Man
Motordom’s Real Mad Man
Art Fitzpatrick is the type of guy who you have seen examples of his work many times, but probably don’t know who he is.
Throughout Mr Fitzpatrick’s career he has illustrated work for Pontiac, Buick, Opel and Lincoln Mercury.
The height of his career almost coincides with the AMC show ‘Mad Men,’ and I’m sure he’s got a few tales to tell from that musclecar era along with what working life was like as a professional car illustrator.
Now at the amazing age of 97 years old, Fitzpatrick’s work is being shown from its earliest days to his mainstay at Pontiac. All of his work shows a fun and friendly outlook to the cars, but also showing an era which prided itself on its car illustrations, something we probably won’t see again.
His work is being shown at the Gilmore car museum as a permanent exhibit, so if you are within driving distance of Michigan, the museum and exhibit is well worth a visit.
Gilmore Car Museum’s “Mid-Century Performance” – Hickory Corners, Michigan.