Chevrolet’s self-driving muscle car – FNR??
Chevrolet’s self-driving muscle car??
Chevrolet’s 10th anniversary celebrations in China was topped by the unveiling of their new concept car.
The Chevrolet-FNR Is aimed at China’s youth market – more familiar with a tablet and smart phone, than oil and gears.
GM predicts that by 2030 the concept model will be popular enough for them to produce a family version of the car.
The car aims to be autonomous, even running shopping trips for you.
All this seems fantastic to the Jetson’s age and considering autonomous vehicle research has accounted for some $7.4 billion GM has spent on research and development over the past three years, but I can’t help but think isn’t this somewhat counter to Chevrolets past history. But the future moves on and the likelihood of autonomous cars seems more likely these days.
Could this be the future of all roadgoing vehicles or will the autonomous vehicle just become a subset group for those who prefer the ease and luxury of essentially being chauffeured from A to B? Time will tell…….
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