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How to Paint Muscle Cars & Show Cars like a Pro Review

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Review By Mark Weisseg

I like many of you have seen big changes in the classic car industry over the years. Jalopies, Hot Rods, Customs, Rat Rods, and more. One must keep a Rolodex to keep track of all these changes. In the current era “Rat Rods” are the latest wave that has engulfed us. You see, many cars and trucks today are “Patina’d. That is never mind painting your vehicle, just leave it the way you found it. To each his or her own I guess, but there are still artisans out there. They desire a beautiful paint job for their ride. And, if you want a great paint job it will cost you dearly to have a professional do it. But wait, what if YOU did it? Can you? Should you? Will you? How?

Well, has a new book out for you to learn something of value. A wonderful book has been written by two fellas from across the pond. Tony Thacker along with Mick Jenkins have written a book just for you.

The book is a hundred and forty three pages of “The How to” and it could not be laid out any better. The book contains eleven chapters. From the start the authors encourage you to make a plan first. That in itself is tough for many. But, the authors provide a detailed road map for you. Let me share the track to run in as explained in the book.

As mentioned you must make a plan. Without a plan you will certainly fail. That is true of most things in life. Then, tools and equipment. What do I need? Is it expensive? Next and this is a big one- Buy the right’s in the We all know that is so critical to the entire project. Buy the wrong car and you are doomed from the start. Next, tear down and how to remove the old paint. We all have heard that preparation is the key to any project. And this project is no exception. Next, the authors take us to Panel Debate. No, not a political debate but a panel debate. You know, are the current panels on your vehicle any good? Are they filled with bondo? Are they straight? You get the idea. So what’s next?

So, you have done your homework. You have prepped, bought the right tools, torn your dream vehicle down to pieces, so what’s next? Paint! Yes, types of paint, paint that you can expect to make your dream a reality. With this in mind the authors want you to understand sanding, grinding, prepping, and eventually priming and painting. This can be daunting. However, follow a proven formula and success is within reach. The book explains in great detail how to do it all. From start to finish and what to expect along the way. You will see many photos that show you the right way. The way professionals do it.

You see friends, even though the Patina craze is here today many still love a great paint job. Just like me. I own vehicles that are barn finds and I left them alone. But, I have other vehicles that are painted and look better than new. It’s safe to say there is plenty of room for everyone. I recently overheard a comment that some prefer the patina look because they fear the paint. In short order that means they are afraid to pay someone big money. Or, they are simply afraid to paint it themselves.

Let’s be honest here. Painting your own vehicle can be a daunting task. But, it’s only daunting because nobody ever explained to you how to do it. And, to do it right. The answer is right here. has once again found experts to help you. This book is as easy as it gets. Plenty of explanations, clear, crisp pictures, and an easy formula to follow. The authors take you through all the scenarios so that you feel at ease. We all know many hobbyist’s don’t try this at home because they just don’t know where to begin. Well, this book is broken down into easy to read chapters. I assure you that if you read this book, and follow along, the end result will make you proud.

Think you can’t do it? Think again. You will shave off possibly thousands of dollars from your budget by doing it yourself. I encourage all of you to go online and pick up this fantastic book. Go to and order one today. You will be amazed at what you are capable of.

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